Asylum seeking in the Netherlands:
Legal Survival Kit
A comprehensive knowledge base on asylum seekers' rights
and how to effectively exercise them through legal measures.
Together with Volnitsa NL and the Feminist Anti-War Resistance Utrecht and with support of Russian Antiwar Committee, we aim to address pressing issues like prolonged asylum waiting times, mental health challenges, and social integration barriers.
Why it matters:
To date, more than 57,000 asylum applications remain pending, and some Russians have been waiting more than two years for a decision, despite the legal deadline of 15 months.
Prolonged waiting has a devastating impact on mental health: 67.8 per cent of refugees experience negative consequences, including depression and stress.
Refugees face discrimination, violence and lack of resources for a normal life, including access to work, medical care and language courses.
Projects Objectives
Create a detailed roadmap of the asylum procedure in the Netherlands:
Main milestones, timelines, deadlines, responsibilities
Responsible authorities explainer
Common asylum seekers issues and legal ways to resolve
Asylum seekers rights with references to laws
How to communicate with lawyer
Create templates of legal documents, along with explainers on how to use them efficiently on the following topics:
Living Arrangements
Family and Social Integration -
Financial and Material Needs
Health and Psychological Support
Legal and Administrative Matters
What's next?
We will publish the first results as early as December 2024.
Please, spread the word about our project, tell about it to asylum seekers, human rights activists and people you know working with this agenda.
If you have any suggestions on the content, or you have any experience or legal documents templates, send it our way:
With love,
Soyka NL, Volnitsa NL, Feminist Anti-War Resistance Utrecht